Thursday, March 4, 2010


ARE YOU FREAKIN SERIOUS?! The owners just called and said their new construction won't be done in time. They want to push the closing date by 3 weeks- which REALLY messes us up because we have our appraisal running out, need our taxes done in time to get the 8k government credit and it's making me mental. I want to move in already! These people have been a P.I.T.A. the whole time. Dealing with them is more painful than the time I got a clasp stuck on my top lip and it bled for three days. It's more painful than the time I broke my arm on the bunny hill at Shawnee Mountain. It's more painful than when I face planted on Lake Hopatcong while trying to knee board. It's time. We've been patient. Mama's about to throw some FISTS! Snooki style!