Friday, November 16, 2012

Hurricane Sandy Kicked Our Ass

Hurricane Sandy was a mega bitch. She came in like a sass a frass and bitch slapped NJ. Luckily - we live in a part of Cranford NJ that is not in the flood zone. For 7 days, I stared at my husband in the dark and thought about how boring it would be to be Amish, or live in a pre-electricity world. We lit fires, played romantic Scrabble by candlelight and gained five lbs each stuffing our face with emergency potato chips. A tree decided to take a nice nap on our roof, that was a sound I'd like to completely block from my memory. Overall though, it wasn't as bad as I had anticipated. It was kind of nice being forced off the grid (ok we still have Facebook on our phones) and spending some QT with my main squeeze.

Sunday, October 14, 2012


This morning we got to sign like 150 pages and initial here and initial there to lower our interest rate on our mortgage. It was like buying the house all over again, except with a smaller check and new initials!! :)

Lazy Home Owners

It's that time of year when the weather starts to change, you look outside and see your 40-something-year-old neighbors doing yardwork and you think, holy shit I'm lazy. So, today is the day. It's the day we weed that garden, rake the leaves and make this home something we are proud of. A few hours in the yard and we'll feel like we've really accomplished something, right? Standby. Will let you know.