Friday, November 16, 2012

Hurricane Sandy Kicked Our Ass

Hurricane Sandy was a mega bitch. She came in like a sass a frass and bitch slapped NJ. Luckily - we live in a part of Cranford NJ that is not in the flood zone. For 7 days, I stared at my husband in the dark and thought about how boring it would be to be Amish, or live in a pre-electricity world. We lit fires, played romantic Scrabble by candlelight and gained five lbs each stuffing our face with emergency potato chips. A tree decided to take a nice nap on our roof, that was a sound I'd like to completely block from my memory. Overall though, it wasn't as bad as I had anticipated. It was kind of nice being forced off the grid (ok we still have Facebook on our phones) and spending some QT with my main squeeze.

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