Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the fattest people in the world.

We roll up to this house that's sort of eh, not bad. First of all, there's a flagpole. My bf already is planning to hang lingerie or something and I'm already googling flagpole removal companies (hey my friend in conn might have the number xoxo!!) Inside, the dad is still getting dressed, son is coloring and fat little pudgy baby is watching Blue Clues in the master bedroom. There's also a rat, which they call "dog" running around. The house is fine, nothing special, except of course the ever so classic hot pink and baby blue matching bathrooms (WHAT IS IT ABOUT THAT STYLE!!!)The house doesn't take long to go through, hot tub outside, 3beds, 2ba, full basement, death notice... WHAT? By the treadmill hidden on a gym locker is the picture above. Ok #1... that's horrible. Talk about obsessed with getting fit. #2 your house is on sale, obviously people will see it and of course assholes like us will take pictures and post it online. On our way back up the stairs I couldn't even look at her without cracking up.

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