Monday, November 2, 2009


I've been MIA for a while mostly because I've been holding my breath. Two Saturdays ago in a town far far away (8 mins from home!) we walked into this little cottage in the town we love in a fabulous neighborhood. It had 2 bedrooms, a newly finished kitchen, fireplace (wood burning stove), finished basement, new garage (1.5) and a garden. It was picturesque and my mom came to see it. We really loved it and decided to low ball them. They rejected our bid and counter offered and decided they would finish the huge attic for an additional 5k. We were like um yea obvi! So we countered to their counter and said we'll do the upstairs as long as we have some say in it. We decided to meet up the next weekend with both families and go there to sketch the plans with the owners for the upstairs. When we got there the walls were already studded with frames. I was furious and bummed. Not only did they start working the day after we saw the house and didn't tell us, we were now forced to pay the extra money to finish the room, to their liking (if we said no and stop the work they would have literally left it with frames, nu no.) A week later of counter offering we are here, in ATTORNEY REVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe it's really happening. It's going to be the cutest house in the whole world (if all works out). Oh, did I mention that the owner is off her rocker? Legit. That's what makes me nervous. One day she's tea and crumpets and the next she's rebuilding a room. I'm afraid they will end up billing us in the end for everything they've put into the house so I'm not getting TOO excited. But if this house really comes together it will be worth the painstaking long months of hope and despair.... fingers crossed!!!

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