Friday, May 21, 2010


Twas the night before demo and all through the bathroom, was cracked tiles and spackle and sponges and a broom. The phone was a ringing "hello" said I. "I broke my wrist" said the contrator "I can't come by." So here is round two of salmon colored walls, and a tub with old lady hair and a spider that crawls. A toilet that's plastic, and a sink full of crud, drawers with no bottoms and floors full of mud!

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Ev's been trying to move his stuff from the storage center for about an hour or so. He just texted me that 1) the moving company can't go on the parkway and 2) he didn't start moving yet because the cops are there. A fight broke out between mover and storage center owner.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Family Times!

It was so nice to give some family a tour of the almost home! Even baby Paige made an appearance!

Home Depot and Lowes!

Our first trip...purchasing machines. We got a bird feeder!!!!!!!

My Secret Garden

Inch by inch, row by row, gonna make this garden grow... all it takes is a rake and a hoe and a piece of fertile groundddddd... and some really great helpers.

A BIG shout out to Mom, Ross and Sara for clipping, raking, digging, scraping and pounding the ground!

The landscaping is starting to look gorgeous! I'm so excited!

Saturday, May 15, 2010


I'm in the bathroom with my mom and contractor and we hear a noise at the front door. I peek my head out and the bad wolf herself, the seller was standing there giving herself a tour of my house!!!!! I mean honestly, I'd love to say I was making this stuff up but really, I have better things to do with my life. She drove 2.5 hours to ask me if I had her kitchen curtain. Seller's remorse much? Fine, I get that, I really do, but don't walk into my house like it's still yours. Oh, and by the way, your stupid lace curtain was made into a skirt by my brothers girlfriend. And now it's adorable. Stay away old time I'm calling 911.

Tiger Woods Lives In My Neighborhood

So I get to the house at 8a to see the newly finished floors and I want to air out the place. I open all windows and doors and start to the garden. I am cleaning, sweeping, pulling weeds etc and make my way to the backyard. Out of nowhere, the orange and brown neighborhood cat comes darting out of my house!

Hello, Tiger Woods. That's your new name. Why? Because you're a sneaky mo fo, creepin around with other pussycats and your owner thought you were missing. But alas, you were just in someone else's house.


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Pretty Floors Sneak Peek

Boy snuck into the house even though we weren't supposed to and snapped some sneek peek shots of the hizzy. He came home smelling like poison from the stain but whatevs.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


How sad is it that I'm on the phone with my boyfriend/mom while they email pics of wood stains? I mean really.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Branching Out in the Neighborhood

I was waiting for my best friend to come see the house and while we were waiting I decided to video my impression of what she would do while walking in. I'm strolling, looking around etc and then bam, my cousin caught the moment of the day. We heard a crack of what seemed like thunder, and captured on camera is me with a panicked look as the most enormous branch ever came crashing down onto our property. The branch aka mini tree missed the power lines, roof and most importantly, the part of the driveway where I almost parked my brand new car. The driveway is scratched but thankfully nobody was hurt. Not only is this the perfect way to make my boyfriend pick up a tool, but it was a great ice breaker to meet our neighbors (who are so sweet btw). "Welcome to the neighborhood, you look like you need a beer." Awesome. I have enough fireplace wood on my lawn for the next two winters.

Busy Busy Bees

It's been a whirlwind of a week in Homeowner land! We've been scrubbing, sanding, scrubbing, painting, scrubbing and swifting. The house is really starting to come together and starting to look like home! The painter is coming in today to hit the trim and ceilings while I continue to obsess over paint colors. Thankfully, my cousin is an interior decorator and she's been fanning through classic colors for me. Our couch and dining room table are coming next weekend so until then, I'm in serious concentration mode.

My family has been overwhelmingly generous helping me fill my home with amazing awesomeness.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Hooray!!!!! It finally happened! Yesterday was the day... woot woot. Late Sunday afternoon we received word that the buyers had gotten their mortgage approved and they were ready to go. Monday 5/3 we drove to the house and did a walk through, to find some things that "magically appeared" but weren't worth the arguing. We drove an hour to the lawyers office and signed about 100 papers and went back to the house for dinner. My grandpa was a builder, and every time he sold a house, even if grandma had a pot roast in the oven, he brought home a pizza pie and they all chowed down. So we did that in his honor, with a bottle of champagne OF COURSE :). We are ecstatic. After all that we went through it's finally ours to call home and definitely was worth the wait.

Today I spent most of the afternoon cleaning 4 windows. Each took about an hour and they are nowhere near done. These people lived like slobs. There's grim, rust, dirt, spider webs, dust you name it. My aunt and cousin came over Atleast r with mom and we all got some elbow grease in there. the house doesn't smell like cigarettes anymore!

I did my first supermarket run today!!