Monday, May 10, 2010

Branching Out in the Neighborhood

I was waiting for my best friend to come see the house and while we were waiting I decided to video my impression of what she would do while walking in. I'm strolling, looking around etc and then bam, my cousin caught the moment of the day. We heard a crack of what seemed like thunder, and captured on camera is me with a panicked look as the most enormous branch ever came crashing down onto our property. The branch aka mini tree missed the power lines, roof and most importantly, the part of the driveway where I almost parked my brand new car. The driveway is scratched but thankfully nobody was hurt. Not only is this the perfect way to make my boyfriend pick up a tool, but it was a great ice breaker to meet our neighbors (who are so sweet btw). "Welcome to the neighborhood, you look like you need a beer." Awesome. I have enough fireplace wood on my lawn for the next two winters.

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