Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Hooray!!!!! It finally happened! Yesterday was the day... woot woot. Late Sunday afternoon we received word that the buyers had gotten their mortgage approved and they were ready to go. Monday 5/3 we drove to the house and did a walk through, to find some things that "magically appeared" but weren't worth the arguing. We drove an hour to the lawyers office and signed about 100 papers and went back to the house for dinner. My grandpa was a builder, and every time he sold a house, even if grandma had a pot roast in the oven, he brought home a pizza pie and they all chowed down. So we did that in his honor, with a bottle of champagne OF COURSE :). We are ecstatic. After all that we went through it's finally ours to call home and definitely was worth the wait.

Today I spent most of the afternoon cleaning 4 windows. Each took about an hour and they are nowhere near done. These people lived like slobs. There's grim, rust, dirt, spider webs, dust you name it. My aunt and cousin came over Atleast r with mom and we all got some elbow grease in there. the house doesn't smell like cigarettes anymore!

I did my first supermarket run today!!

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you guys! I can't wait to see the house! Call me for help scrubbing, de-griming, shopping, decorating - you name it, I'm there!
