Thursday, April 29, 2010

EVEN THE BOYFRIEND IS FED UP! - a real live email.

Fellas and lady

I just received a call from the elusive seller. He tried to be my friend but somehow I resisted. I did gain my composure (maybe that’s my super power…Composure man!). He called me to ask for "one courtesy". To which I responded, "you go AWOL on the day of the closing and ask me for a courtesy. Are you aware because I have been a nice guy to you, I am sleeping on a couch". He didn’t seem moved by this and also didn’t apologize. As you are aware, he wanted to close Monday and then move out Tuesday. We know we cannot trust these lunatics and I believe we all agree this is not a good situation to be in. The reason he can't move out Monday is because they stopped packing up their stuff when they got denied and there is too much to do. He played the old card. Luckily I am made of stone (marble actually). I told him in no uncertain terms that I will not go against my lawyer and that is that. He laughed and said "you don't have to always listen to your lawyer". I chuckled... in my head.

The real problem here is the mortgage extension. You know he will fight tooth and nail to not have to pay for another $885 dollar extension (I am also not certain if he knows when the extension is over, May 4th for those also wondering). I (we) do not want to be left holding the bag for that and I do not think I (we) should be.

So keep that in mind. If you can possibly setup the closing for Tuesday night, which you had mentioned, if all parties would agree, that would be hero stuff. If it takes us splitting one night of storing their crap on a truck for $350 like they said, I would do it. I just want this over with and I want them far far away. I will also personally escort them down the parkway if need be. That’s it.

Melting Brain

It's two days after the original closing date. The seller's lawyers didn't trust that they received approval for mortgage so they requested it in writing... what is this first grade and the student is hiding his snack in his pants? This is the most frustrating thing I've dealt with in a long time.

These people are certifiable! I may have done a drive by last night (don't tell boyfriend) and saw that they haven't even started packing. Maybe they knew I was up to something because they left a card table on the curb....

Otherwise, everything is still in place. But our lawyer called and said they finally faxed it in and we should be closing with in the matter of days. Our mortgage rates go up if we don't close within 5 days and of course... I'm scheduled for jury duty.

Story of my life.


Monday, April 26, 2010


It's 6:30 the night before closing. Haven't heard boo from the sellers. This is ridiculous.


SO. this is for real. We get a call that the sellers failed on their mortgage for the other home they are buying. This means, they have nowhere to move. Which means, they most likely can't close tomorrow. Which then means, we have to sue them for damages. I'm not really sure how I feel right now. A mix of anger, disappointment, angst, everything. I want to move in with my boyfriend, but I do not want to be in court for the next 6 months fighting with sellers (one of which happens to be certifiably nuts). It's irresponsible to tell your buyers the week of closing that you couldn't get a mortgage. Please. It's not something you found out today.

We have everything lined up and this really screws everything up.

Now it's just a waiting game between Attorneys, Realtors, Mortgage Brokers, and crazy mother fckning sellers.

Very frustrating.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


We are 6 days away from closing. 6. That is the most terrifying thing in the world to me. Between phone calls with the accountant, mortgage, insurance, sellers, attorney, boyfriend I'm trying to do as much as I can without my brain exploding......all while doing a full time job. I can't believe it. Open houses, bidding, fake shopping, real shopping... etc. The past year (almost) has been a lot of emotion all in one little ball and now it's about to explode.

The hardest part for me is leaving home. As excited as I am to move into a new chapter of my life, it's really hard for me as my family is extremely close and I love the home I grew up in. It'll be difficult not seeing my puppy everynight, hearing my brother jam out in the basement or having my mom approve outfits every morning.

I'm excited though.... really excited. Been looking forward to moving in with my boyfriend for a few years now. I'm looking forward to paying things on my own, feeling more independant and being able to grow with him.

and.... exhale.