Monday, April 26, 2010


SO. this is for real. We get a call that the sellers failed on their mortgage for the other home they are buying. This means, they have nowhere to move. Which means, they most likely can't close tomorrow. Which then means, we have to sue them for damages. I'm not really sure how I feel right now. A mix of anger, disappointment, angst, everything. I want to move in with my boyfriend, but I do not want to be in court for the next 6 months fighting with sellers (one of which happens to be certifiably nuts). It's irresponsible to tell your buyers the week of closing that you couldn't get a mortgage. Please. It's not something you found out today.

We have everything lined up and this really screws everything up.

Now it's just a waiting game between Attorneys, Realtors, Mortgage Brokers, and crazy mother fckning sellers.

Very frustrating.

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