Friday, July 24, 2009

Crunch Time.

Me and my boyfriend of 4 years are on the hunt for a perfect first house. It's been a long long process.  As a first time buyer, you are entitled to frustration, depression and lots of late night website searching. But ALAS! there are other parts of the process that are actually interesting.

I am currently living at home and trying to get out of the house before my brother goes off to college in order to alleviate some self inflicted guilt of leaving my mom alone in a big beautiful house. It's crunch time! I have exactly 1 year to get my stuff together. However, we are entitled to $8k from the government as long as we are closed by Dec 1 2009. Ok there you go.... now on to the real purpose of this blog.

Let's get to the houses. I mean really, if you look at some of these websites you feel sorry for the souls who currently live in these abodes. None of this reflects our realtor, most of it is simply because me and my boyfriend aint rollin' around in dough (and I'm a picky one!) Each of these really deserve their own post... so please enjoy!

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