Monday, July 27, 2009

I'm Dreaming of a White.......... what?

I'm writing a check to bid on an adorable house (not giving details do not want to jinx) and my brother calls "Can I call u back?" I ask. "The world is ending. I'm getting the video camera. Golf balls are falling out of the sky." Ummmmmmmmmmmm not here, on this beautiful July day while I'm handing over a few thousand dollars and signing my bubble script name and trying so hard not to draw a heart over the "i" in my name and THUNK THUNK THUNK THUNK THUNK THUNK. Dear all knowing spirit above, why is it hailing in July? Is this the new way of saying that I'll only buy a house "when pigs fly" but instead, they were all killed by Swine so we're throwing Ice instead?


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