Monday, July 27, 2009


J'adorable little home with property up to wazoo. The house was being sold for nothing (someone must have died in it, or cat's are in the walls or something). The house was a charmer. The neighbors, not my style but hey, for this price I'll make friends with anyone. I was speaking to one of the neighbors and asked him what it was like to live near the firehouse (this place was directly behind it). He said it wasn't so bad because the sirens don't go off just the lights. But, every night at 6p by law, the fire engine needs to test it's bell. "No big deal" the neighbor said because he was usually at work when it happened. The street was nice and quiet and the kids liked to bike up and down. Charming. Our best friends were up for the weekend and wanted them to check out the place- and I wanted to hear this bell before we put a bid in. So it's 5:57, we're walking around the property and all of a sudden the Church bells from down the block chime. Deep sigh of relief as we all realized "no biggie" we could hear that every night at 6p it's rather delightful actually. As I turn around the walk towards the home I hear "ERRRRRRRRRRRR ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR ERRRRRRRRRR" think but 800x louder. Within .01 seconds of the horn I start hysterical crying, my boyfriend turns pale as a ghost and our friends were like "Whelp lets go." We were in the car in half of a millifraction later and still have yet to tell my mom because I don't want to hear " I told you so!!!!"

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