Monday, July 27, 2009

The Son in the Basement

So a ridiculously shittacular home was for sale in a McMansion neighborhood. Couldn't let it go. It was a 3 bed 2 bath ranch with a great basement aka "Man Cave" as the boyfriend likes to call it. REWIND......... pull up to this house with a row of trees in front of the house (uber awk) The door opens and this greasy tan half naked man opens the door "yea come in, come in." Ok... there's shit everywhere. Like garage sale x100. Random people in the house (we couldn't tell if they were working on the house or buying things) and literally can't see the floor in some rooms. The lady who lived in the house was taking stacks of money out from under the mattress in the master bedroom. OH THE BATHROOMS, I forgot!!!! There is one HOT PINK bathroom and one BLUE bathroom. It was like boys vs girls. But worse. It was like Barbie's Hot Pink Corvette on crack, struggle status.

We go downstairs to the basement and naked man is sitting with his feet on the bar. "I never forget a face" he says to our Realtor. "I know you, you've been here before" ........ yea our realtor hasn't. We asked if we could go outside hes like "Yea I dont give a shit do whatever you want." Fast Forward, round 2 on non-garage sale day. Same half naked man opens the door. "I knew you'd be back" he says. We stroll through the house again, he kicks us out because he needs to shower. We remember that the original posting said "Son living in the basement." Could this be the son they were talking about? he looked 40 years old! We put a low ball bid on the house because really it was a gem in this neighborhood. Definitely needed A LOT OF WORK but was something we couldn't pass up. We unfortunately lost the bid by only $20,000 which is NOTHING over 30 years but we couldn't front the money. Always another home.

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